These transitions come to us because we are ready to see our Selves and the world in a new way.
You can do it!
And you should do it, because otherwise you just keep running in circles.
Or you collapse in a heap and refuse to get up again.
We will work together to move you through.
And when it comes around again
(sorry, the path is a spiral and these transitions are an integral part of the journey),
you will be better prepared for the challenge.
If you are floundering,
struggling with your concept of who you are--who you really are--
and what that means for your Life,
tired of feeling like crap,
ready to heal but not sure how,
ready to move forward on your path
and in need of a guide,
transitioning from one way of being in the world into another
(whatever that means)...
I get it.
My entire life has been devoted to navigating spiritual transitions.
More often by necessity, not choice.
In fact, it often involves me kicking and screaming in protest.
Because, ugh, not again.
Yet every single spiritual transition I have navigated has led me someplace I want to be.
They bring abundant, blessed, new Life.
And I really dig new Life.
So while I won't go so far as to say "hooray for feeling like you're dying and being torn apart by the Universe!"
I will go so far as to say "you are going to be better than okay
and the only way to evolve is to work through these spiritual challenges."
I also say, "hey, don't step there, it's really slippery. Walk around it."
Spiritual transitions can be painful.
They can be scary and sad and lonely.
There are not many people you can talk to about how you're feeling.
And when you do find someone to tell, what do you even say to explain it?
I help you move through this kind of shit (like, literally, sometimes it's actual poop).
I've been there.
And if I haven't been there, I've been somewhere with similar topography.
There is no feeling too ugly or dark for me to hear.
I've spent a lot of time in the darkness.
(I'm also highly trained with an M.A. in Spirituality with an emphasis in Spiritual Direction. More about me HERE.)
These transitions come to us because we are ready to see our Selves and the world in a new way.
You can do it!
And you should do it, because otherwise you just keep running in circles.
Or you collapse in a heap and refuse to get up again.
We will work together to move you through.
And when it comes around again
(sorry, the path is a spiral and these transitions are an integral part of the journey),
you will be better prepared for the challenge.
A Nun Taught Me How to Read Tarot
(and yes, it was super awesome)
At the beginning of my junior year of college, I met an elderly nun who transformed my life. A member of a prominent Catholic community, Sister Dominique was the epitome of "wise woman." She was kind, compassionate, radically honest, brilliant, creative, and skilled in a diverse array of artistic and sacred mediums. In her class "Spirituality of Art," she guided our exploration of chanting, calling the directions and the archangels and the elements, walking the labyrinth, balancing our chakras, sacred movement, guided meditations, and many many other exciting, enlightening, and fascinating exercises.
Sister Dominique's approach to tarot was one of storytelling and intuition. The cards tell a story that brings to the surface what is on our hearts and in our minds. Reading tarot cards is simply reading a symbolic language and I have spoken that language since I was a child. The additional insights and lessons I learned in my graduate studies in spirituality enhanced my ability to be present to those I sit with and those I read for.